Tuft & Co. was started in 2020 when I moved to South Texas from NW Arkansas. It was always a dream of mine so when we moved I decided it was now or never! With amazing support from my amazing family and all my friends Tuft & Co was started!

 Growing up I struggled with body image issues, anxiety, and depression. I went to a private school all 4 years of high school. There we had to wear collared shirts with jeans. I had a difficult time trying to find my own style out of high school because the last several years I was told what to wear. With anxiety I was always scared to wear certain outfits out because what if I’m over dressed? What if people make fun of my outfit? I am 100% that person who texts in the group to see what everyone else is wearing so I can match the vibe. I’m still trying to figure out my style and it changes all the time!

Tuft & Co. has given me the experience to learn how to dress my body and put together outfits. In the last few years I’ve become much more confident in myself and that’s what I want for my customers and my community! I want to grow a community of women or are confident in the clothes they wear and feel beautiful! That feeling when you put on the perfect outfit and can’t stop smiling is what I want all of customers to experience!

 The meaning behind the name of Tuft & Co. Our name is a play on words of my dogs names! Tuff and Cotton! I couldn't make it with out these 2 and it only felt right to honor how much they mean to be by naming my boutique after them!


xoxo, Reagan